I always insist on the idea of smart packing while travelling, because it is one of the most important things! You really need to pack smart and less to make sure your trip is hassle-free.
And when you are travelling alone, the problems amplify! And you surely do not want to deal with an extra problem of extra luggage.
Whatever you are keeping in your bag has to has some use during your trip otherwise drop the idea of carrying it. So leave behind the extra jackets, heels, extra handbags, all those extra cloths. No matter how despirately you want all of these for your poictures, extra luggage is never worth it! Just make sure you choose things that you want to carry efficiently.
Do it exactly the way KonMari decluttering method suggests. Take every item into your hand and ask if it is a necessity for my trip? If the answer is yes, put it in the suitcase else drop it from wherever your picked it up!
Second, just make sure you can carry everything on your own without realising the burden and WITHOUT any help! Trust me it is very important. For me, it is a mid-size suitcase and a backpack that I carry with a fanny bag to keep my essentials.
Below are few things that I think are the most important ones to carry while you are travelling alone, apart from your regular stuff (cloths, shoes etc):
One pair of waterproof, durable sneakers
Wet wipes
First-aid kid with your medicines
A pair of flip-flops
Keep some snacks
Pepper spray
A jacket
Extra photocopy of your passport
Don’t carry many gadgets – after a while they become a burden
Always carry a tee in your handbag
Extension charger/travel adapter
Portable charger/power bank
Zip lock bags
Carry money in 5 different places (yes it is very important)
Carry at least 3 credit cards from different banks
A Scarf
So this is a small check-list of things that you need to carry while travelling. Comment below if you think I have missed out anything!
Ciao 🙂